8 June 1833

Johann Sedlatzek’s Morning Concert

London: John Taylor’s Residence Esq., 30 George-street—Time: Morning

Tickets: 10s. 6d.; Boxes available


Flute Variations on The Carnival of VeniceMr. Sedlatzek 
Piano Duet on the March from Auber’s PhiltreMessrs. Herz (Bass), Moscheles (Treble)Herz
Violin ConcertoMr. MoriMayseder
Principal Vocalists: Mme Schröder-Devrient; Messrs. Dobler, Haitzinger, Signori Donzelli, Rubini 
Principal Instrumentalists: Messrs. Herz, Mori, Moscheles, Sedlatzek



The Morning Post (May 31, 1833): 1.

MR. SEDLATZEK is happy to announce to the Nobility, Gentry, and his Friends in general, that, in addition to the host of celebrated Vocal and Instrumental Performers which are to appear at his CONCERT, on SATURDAY MORNING, June 8, at the Residence of Mr. Taylor, 30, George-street, Hanover-square, Mr. H. Herz has kindly promised to perform on this occasion with Mr. Moscheles the Pianoforte Duet which was hailed with unanimous applause at his own Concert.—Mr. Sedlatzek, No. 8, Wardour-street, Oxford-street.  


The Harmonicon, vol.11, (June 1833): 157.


At the residence of J. Taylor, Esq., George Street, Hanover

Square, Saturday Morning, June 8.

Well attended, and M. Sedlatzek performed several pieces on the flute with that ease of execution and delicacy of manner for which he is distinguished.

The Literary Gazette; and Journal of Belles Lettres, Arts, Sciences, &c. (June 15, 1833): 379-380.


THE residence of Mr. Taylor, George Street, Hanover Square, was completely crowded on Saturday last by a fashionable auditory. Mr. Sedlatzek stands deservedly high as a flutist. His own performances, and the combined talent of almost all the vocalists in town, contributed to render this one of the best concerts of the season. Herz and Moschelles (the former the eager object of curiosity) performed a fantasia upon the march in Le Philtre. Applause commensurate with their brilliant and rapid execution was bestowed upon them. M. Herz wants but a small and invigorating portion of the Promethean fire, and to divest his performances of a somewhat mechanical precision which makes the spectator fancy that the soul, the real essence of music, is deficient, to render him the first pianiste in Europe. M. Sedlatzek performed on the flute both solos and in company with other instrumentalists, to the evident gratification of the audience. His variations upon the Carnival of Venice are specimens of light and agreeable composition. Mr. Mori’s concerto upon the violin, from Mayseder, was not successful. In attempting too much in the variations, he failed altogether. Dobler, Haitzinger, and Madame Devrient, sang several selections from Beethoven and Mozart. Rubini and Donzelli also contributed their services, and were warmly applauded in compositions, of which, having been already frequently noticed with approbation, a repetition would be but an echo.