13 May 1828

Signor T. Rovedino’s Benefit Concert

London: New Argyll Rooms—Time: Evening, Morning, One o’Clock

Tickets: 10s. 6d. 


Dramatic SceneSignor T. RovedinoRovedino
Piano Concerto No.4 in E majorMr. MoschelesMoscheles
Violin FantasiaMr. Mori 
Principal Vocalists: Mesdames Caradori-Allan, Stockhausen, Miss F. Ayton, Miss Melton (first appearance in public); Messrs. Braham, Sapio, Signors Curioni, de Begnis, T. Rovedino, Zuchelli
Principal Instrumentalists: Messrs. Mori, Moscheles
Leader: Signor Paolo Spagnoletti; Conductor: Mr. Robert Bochsa



The Observer (April 20, 1828): 2.

NEW ARGYLL ROOMS.—Signor T. ROVEDINO most respectfully informs the Nobility, Gentry, and his Friends, that his ANNUAL BENEFIT CONCERT will take place on Tuesday Morning, the 13th of May next. Vocal Performers at present engaged—Madame Caradori Allan, Miss Fanny Ayton, Miss Melton (Pupil of Sig. T. Rovedino, her first appearance in public), and Madame Schütz; Mr. Braham, Signor Curioni, Mr. Sapio, Signor De Begnis, Grand Concerto, Piano-forte. Mr. Moscheles: Principal Instrumental Performers. Messrs. Nicholson, Voght, Lindley, and Dragonetti. The Orchestra will be on the Grand Scale of former years. The Concert will commence at one o’clock. Tickets, Half a Guinea each, to be had at the principal Music Shops; and of Signor T. Rovedino, No. 3, Chapel-street, Portland-place, where applications for boxes must be made.

The Observer (May 11, 1828): 2.

Signor T. ROVEDINO most respectfully informs the Nobility, Gentry, and his Friends, that his ANNUAL BENEFIT CONCERT will take place on Tuesday Morning next, the 13th of May, at the Argyll Rooms.  The Concert will commence at One o’Clock precisely.— Tickets, Half-a-Guinea each, to be had at the principal Music Shops, and of Signor T. Rovedino, No. 3, Chapel-street, Portland-place, where applications for Boxes must be made.

The Morning Post (May 28, 1828): 1.

NEW ARGYLL ROOMS.—Signor T. ROVEDINO most respectfully informs the Nobility, Gentry, and his Friends, that his ANNUAL BENEFIT CONCERT will take place on TUESDAY Morning, the 13th of May next. Full particulars will be duly announced. Tickets, Half-a-guinea each, to be had at the principal Music Shops, and of Signor T. Rovedino, No. 3, Chapel-street, Portland-place, where applications for Boxes must be made.

John Bull (April 20, 1828): 121.

NEW ARGYLL ROOMS.—Signor T. ROVEDINO most respectfully informs the Nobility, Gentry, and his Friends, that his Annual BENEFIT CONCERT will take place on TUESDAY MORNING, the 13th of May, next. Vocal Performers at present engaged—Madame Caradori Allan, Miss Fanny Ayton, Miss Melton (Pupil of Sig. T. Rovedino, her first appearance in public), and Madame Schütz; Mr. Braham, Signor Curioni, Mr. Sapio, Signor De Begnis, Grand Concerto, Piano-forte. Mr. Moscheles. Principal Instrumental Performers—Messrs. Nicholson, Voght, Lindley, and Dragonetti. The Orchestra will be on the grand scale of former years. The Concert will commence at One o’Clock. Tickets, Half-a Guinea each, to be had at the principal Music Shops; and of Signor T. Rovedino, No. 3, Chapel-street, Portland-place, where applications for boxes must be made.

John Bull (May 4, 1828): 137.

SIGNOR T. ROVEDINO most respectfully informs the Nobility, Gentry, and his Friends, that his Annual BENEFIT CONCERT will take place on TUESDAY MORNING NEXT, the 13th of May, at the ARGYLL ROOMS. Vocal Performers—Madame Caradori Allan, Miss Fanny Ayton, Miss Melton (Pupil of Sig. T. Rovedino, her first appearance in public), and Madame Schütz; Mr. Braham, Signor Curioni, Mr. Sapio, Signor De Begnis, and Signor Zuchelli. Fantasia, Piano-forte, Mr. Moscheles. In the course of the morning, a Scena Drammatica, the Music by Signor T. Rovedino. Instrumental Performers—Messrs. Nicholson, Voght, Lindley, and Dragonetti. The Orchestra will be on the grand scale of former years. The Concert will commence at One o’Clock. Tickets, Half-a Guinea each, to be had at the principal Music Shops; and of Signor T. Rovedino, No. 3, Chapel-street, Portland-place, where applications for boxes must be made. 

The Morning Post (May 9, 1828): 1.

SIGNOR T. ROVEDINO most respectfully informs the Nobility, Gentry, and his Friends, that his ANNUAL BENEFIT CONCERT will take place on TUESDAY MORNING next, the 13th of May, at the Argyle Rooms. The Concert will commence at One o’Clock precisely. Tickets, Half-a-Guinea each, to be had at the principal Music-shops; and of Signor T. Rovedino, No. 3, Chapel-street, Portland-place, where application for Boxes must be made. 

The Times (May 10, 1828): 1.

SIGNOR T. ROVEDINO most respectfully informs the Nobility, Gentry, and his Friends, that his ANNUAL BENEFIT CONCERT will take place at the Argyll Rooms, on Tuesday morning next, the 13th of May. The concert will commence at 1 o’Clock precisely. Tickets, half a guinea each, to be had at the principal music shops; and of Signor T. Rovedino, 3, Chapel-street, Portland-place, where applications for boxes must be made. 

John Bull (May 11, 1828): 145.

SIGNOR T. ROVEDINO most respectfully informs the Nobility, Gentry, and his Friends, that his Annual BENEFIT CONCERT will take place on TUESDAY MORNING NEXT, the 13th of May, at the ARGYLL ROOMS. The Concert will commence at One o’Clock precisely.—Tickets, Half-a Guinea each, to be had at the principal Music Shops: and of Signor T. Rovedino, No. 3, Chapel-street, Portland-place, where applications for Boxes must be made. 

The Morning Post (May 12, 1828): 2.

SIGNOR T. ROVEDINO most respectfully informs the Nobility, Gentry, and his Friends, that his ANNUAL BENEFIT CONCERT will take place on TO-MORROW MORNING (Tuesday), the 13th of May, at the Argyle Rooms. The Concert will commence at One o’Clock precisely. Tickets, Half-a Guinea each, to be had at the principal Music-shops; and of Signor T. Rovedino, No. 3, Chapel-street, Portland-place, where applications for Boxes must be made.

The Morning Post (May 13, 1828): 1.

SIGNOR T. ROVEDINO most respectfully informs the Nobility, Gentry, and his Friends, that his CONCERT will take place on THIS MORNING at the Argyle Rooms. Vocal Performers, Madame Caradora [sic] Allan, and Miss Fanny Ayton, Miss Melton (a pupil of Signor T. Rovedino, her first appearance in public) and Madame Stockhausen, Mr. Braham, Signor Curioni, Mr. Sapio, Signor De Begnis, Signor T. Rovedino, and Signor Zuchelli; fantasia pianoforte, Mr. Moscheles, and fantasia Violin, Mr. Mori. In the course of the morning, a Scena Dramatica, by Sig. T. Rovedino. The Concert will commence at One o ‘Clock. Leader, Signor Spagnoletti. Conductor, Mr. Bochsa.—Tickets, Half-a-Guinea each, to be had at the principal Music-shops; and of Signor T. Rovedino, No. 3, Chapel-street, Portland-place, where application for Boxes must be made. 


The Morning Chronicle (May 15, 1828): 3.

ARGYLL ROOMS.—It would be unjust to permit the Concert that took place in these rooms on Tuesday morning, for the benefit of Signor Rovedino, to pass without notice. There was a host of vocal talents that afforded high gratification to the audience, as may readily he conceived, when we mention the names of Braham, Zuchelli, Sapio, De Begnis, and Rovedino among the male performers; and Mesdames Caradori Allan, Fanny Ayton, and Stockhausen among the females. The band was led by Spagnoletti, & was filled by most of the best instrumental performers of the day. We did not mention Miss Melton, a new candidate for favour among the females, because it was her début, and her name was previously unknown to the public. She is a pupil, we understand, of Signor Rovedino, and her first appearance was very creditable to herself and her tutor. Moschelles acquitted himself admirably in a fantasia on the piano-forte, and Mori, not less so, in a concerto on the violin. They both exhibited the powers for execution with passages of a more touching nature. A dramatic scena—the composition of Signor Rovedino, supported by the chief vocal performers, was among the favourite pieces of the day. We hardly ever saw so large a majority of ladies assembled on a similar occasion; among whom were many to whom nature has been prodigal in beauty. The Concert altogether was received as it fully deserved—with great applause. 

The Morning Post (May 15, 1828): [3].

Signor ROVEDINO had his Annual Concert on Tuesday morning at these Rooms, and the musical treat which he prepared for his friends and patrons evidently afforded them very greats pleasure. The attendance was numerous and elegant. The orchestra was supplied by the best instrumental performers of the present time, and was very ably led by SPAGNOLETTI. The Vocal performers also formed a powerful host, consisting of our countryman BRAHAM, ZUCHELLI, SAPIO, DE BEGNIS, and Signor ROVEDINOR, among the men; while Madame CARADORI ALLAN, Miss FANNY AYTON, and Madame STOCKHAUSEN, supported the Concert with their several powers. We also ought to give a tribute of praise and encouragement to a Miss MELTON, a pupil of Signor ROVEDINO, who made her first appearance in public on this occasion. We can allow for the diffidence natural to a new performer, and coming among performers of established merit; but we add with pleasure that it did not prevent her from displaying talents and taste creditable to herself and her master. We have not space to particularize the merits of the Concert, but we must not omit to notice the excellence of MOSCHELES in a Fantasia on the Pianoforte, and of MORI on the VIOLIN. A Scena Dramatica, composed by Signor ROVEDINO, possessed considerable merit, and was well supported by Madame CARADORI ALLAN, BRAHAM, and ZUCHELLI. The room was well attended and the Concerto very well received. 

The Harmonicon, vol. VI (1828): 143.


 Argyll Rooms, Tuesday Morning, 13th May.

scena drammatica, by Mr. Rovedino, was performed for the first time; a young lady, his pupil, made her debut, and Mr. Moscheles played his British Grenadier Concerto. Most of the usual singers attended, who sang most of the usual things.