4 June 1832

Giovanni and Giacinta Puzzi’s Annual Concert 

London: Lady Augusta Wentworth’s Residence, 11 Connaught Place—Time: Evening, Half Past Nine o’Clock

Tickets: 1 Guinea


Aria, ‘Ah ! che forse’Signora Puzzi; Horn Obbligato: Signor Puzzi Bonfichi
From La Straniera: TerzettoMiss Tosi, Signors Donzelli, TamburiniBellini
From Maometto II: DuetSignora Puzzi, Signor TamburiniRossini
From Zémire et Azor: ‘Air de la Fauvette’Mme Cinti-Damoreaeu; Flute Obbligato: Mr. TulouGrétry
Horn Piece on Sontag’s Variations of Rhode’s airSignor Puzzi 
Piano, Harp and Horn ConcertanteMr. Moscheles, Monsieur, Labarre, Signor Puzzi 
Quartet (composed expressly for this occasion)Signora Puzzi, Mlle Grisi, Signors, Donzelli, TamburiniCosta
Principal Vocalists: Miss Tosi, Mesdames Cinti-Damoreaeu, Grandolfi, Mariani, Stockhausen, Vigano, Mlle Grisi, Signora Puzzi; Messrs. Begrez, Galli, Mariani, Parry jun., Signors de Begnis, Donzelli, Tamburini
Principal Instrumentalists: Messrs. Emiliani, Moscheles, Tulou, Monsieur Labarre, Signor Puzzi
Conductor: Mr. Ignaz Moscheles



John Bull (May 13, 1832): 153.

SIGNOR and MADAME PUZZI have the honour to acquaint the Nobility, Gentry, and Friends, that their ANNUAL CONCERT will take place on MONDAY, the 4th of JUNE, by special permission, at the Residence of the Right Hon. Lady Augusta Wentworth, 11, Connaught-place, under the patronage of former years. Assisted by the whole of the most talented Vocal and Instrumental Performers now in London. Tickets, one guinea each, are ready for delivery at Signor Puzzi’s, 87, Quadrant, Regent-street.

The Morning Post (May 14, 1832): 1.

SIGNOR and Madame PUZZI have the honour to acquaint the Nobility, Gentry, and their Friends, that their ANNUAL CONCERT will take place on MONDAY, the 4th of June, by special permission, at the Residence of the Right Hon. Lady Augusta Wentworth, 11, Connaught-place, under the patronage of former years, assisted by the whole of the most talented Vocal and Instrumental Performers now in London. Tickets, One Guinea each, are ready for delivery at Signor Puzzi’s, 87, Quadrant, Regent-street.

The Court Journal: Gazette of the Fashionable World, vol. 4, (June 2, 1832): 372-373.

—Signor and Madame Puzzi’s annual concert promised to be the most brilliant of the season. It is so take place on Monday evening, at the residence of Lady Augusta Wentworth, in Connaught place, and is under the immediate patronage of nearly all the leading fashionables of the metropolis. Tosi, Cinti Damoreau, and Mariani, are among the female singers, and Tamburini, Donzelli, Curioni, De Begnis, &c., among the males; while Puzzi himself is to do something very brilliant, and quite new, on his own peculiar instrument—an obligato accompaniment to a new quartet, composed expressly for this occasion. There is also to be a brilliant union of the powers of Moscheles, Labarre, Emiliani, and Puzzi, in a new Concertante. We heartily wish success to this deserving couple, who are great favourites with the fashionable world. 

The Morning Post (June 2, 1832): 1.

SIGNOR and Madame PUZZI have the honour to acquaint the Nobility, Gentry, and their Friends, that their ANNUAL CONCERT will take place on MONDAY, the 4th of June, by special permission, at the Residence of the Right Hon. Lady Augusta Wentworth, 11, Connaught -place, under the patronage of

Her Royal Highness the DUCHESS of CUMBERLAND.

Her Royal Highness the DUCHESS of GLOUCESTER.

The Duchess of Dino,The Dowager Marchioness of
The Duchess of Cannizzaro,     Salisbury,
The Marchioness of Clanricarde The Countess Grey,
The Countess of Tankerville,The Countess of Clinmell,
The Countess Verulam,The Countess of Rosebery,
The Viscountess St. Vincent,The Viscountess Gage,
Lady Burghersh,Lady Francis Leveson Gower,
Lady Elizazeth Feilding,Lady Vallctort,
Lady Ouseley,Lady Jane Walsh,
Lady Shelley,Lady Anne Beckett,
Hon. Mrs. Musgravem,Lady Pcyton,
Mrs. Cox,Lady Flint,
The Countess of Ludolff,Mrs. Lawley,
The Duke of DEVONSHIRE,The Marquis of AILESBURY.


Mlle. Tosi, Madame Cinti Damoreau, and Mlle. Grisi.

Madame Mariani.

Madame VIgano, Madame Grandolfi, Madame Puzzi.

Mr. Tamburini.

Mr. Galli, Mr. Parry, and Mr. Mariani.Mr. De Begnis

In the course of the Evening will be introduced, for the first time in this country, a new Quartetto, composed expressly for this occasion by Mr. Costa, to be sung by Madame Puzzi, Mlle. Grisi, Mr Donzelli, and Mr. Tamburini. Corno Obbligato, Mr. Puzzi; Harp Obligato, Mr. Labarre; the celebrated Terzetto in La Straniera, by Bellini, Miss Tosi, Mr. Donzelli, and Mr. Tamburini; and the Air de la Fauvette, by Madame Cinti Damoreau, accompanied on the Flute by Mr. Tulou. Messrs. Moscheles, Labarre, Emiliani, and Puzzi, will unite their unrivalled powers in a new Concertante for Pianoforte, Harp, Violin, and Corno.

Tickets, One Guinea each, are ready for delivery at Signor Puzzi’s, No. 87, Quadrant, Regent-street. To commence at Half-past Nine o’Clock.


The Morning Post (June 6, 1832): 3.


There was a brilliant assemblage of rank and fashion on Monday evening at Signor and Madame PUZZI’S Concert, which was given, under very high patronage, at Lady AUGUSTA WENTWORTH’S residence in Connaught-place. The programme contained a great variety of vocal and instrumental compositions, which were done ample justice to by the performers, who were of the first eminence. Madame PUZZI sang Ah! che forse, with the Signor’s horn obligato, in excellent style; and in a duet, by ROSSINI, with TAMBURINI, displayed vocal powers of a very high order; the applause was universal and rapturous. A concertante by MOSCHELES (pianoforte), LABARRE (harp), and PUZZI (horn), was a splendid performance; and the manner in which PUZZI executed SONTAG’S variations on RHODE’S air both astonished and delighted the audience.   

The Court Journal: Gazette of the Fashionable World, vol. 4, (June 9, 1832): 387.

—Signor and Madame Puzzi had a delightful concert on Monday night, at the residence of Lady Augusta Wentworth, in Connaught place. It was attended by a numerous list of fashionables and amateurs,, [sic] and went off with great spirit and effect. Madame Puzzi was in excellent voice, and sang with all her accustomed purity of expression and taste. The incomparable horn-playing of Puzzi himself, was another leading attraction of the evening. These, together with the exquisite execution of Madame Cinti Damoreau, the splendid voice and rich style of Tamburini, and the wild mountain notes of Madame Stockhausen, rendered the evening a real musical treat. 

The Harmonicon, vol. 10 (1832): 154.


At Lady Augusta Wentworth’s Mansion, Connaught

Place, Monday Evening, June 4th.

All the operatic corps assisted at this concert, together with Madame Stockhausen, Madame Vigano, Messrs. Begrez and Parry; and also M.M. Moscheles, Labarre, Emiliani (a violinist), Tulou, &c. A duet from the Maometto of Rossini, sung by Madame Puzzi and Signor Tamburini, was the chief feature of the evening. This concert, at guinea tickets, drew a very fashionable audience, and the whole partook more of the nature of an elegant private party than of a subscription concert. Mr. Moscheles conducted.