20 June 1831

Giovanni and Giacinta Puzzi’s Concert

London: Lady Shelley’s Mansion, Belgrave Square—Time: Evening, Half Past Nine o’Clock 

Tickets: 1 Guinea


AirSignora Puzzi Pacini
 Horn Obbligato: Signor Puzzi 
Ballad, ‘Yes, these are the meadows’ (MS)Mr. Parry jun.; Harp and Horn Obbligato: Parry jun.
 [Miss Bissett] and Signor Puzzi 
Concertante for Piano, Harp and Horn Mr. Moscheles, Miss Bissett, Signor PuzziMoscheles
From Anna Bolena: TerzettoMme Pasta, Signors Lablache, RubiniDonizetti
From Il Turco in Italia Signor De Begnis, [?]Rossini
     Duet, ‘D’un bell uso di Turchia’  
Grand Scena, ‘Malek Adel al Carmelo’  Mme PastaNiccolini
     (composed expressly for her)  
Neapolitan SongSignor Lablache 
Violin Piece on One String Mr. Oury 
Principal Vocalists: Miss Cramer, Miss Masson, Mesdames Lalande, Messi, Pasta, Stockhausen, Vigano, Signora Messi, Signora Rubini, Signora Puzzi; Messrs. Begrez, Parry jun., Signors Curioni, de Begnis, Lablache, Rubini, Santini, Torri, 
Principal Instrumentalists: Miss Bisset; Messrs. Moscheles, Oury, Signor Puzzi
Conductor: Mr. Ignaz Moscheles


Encores: Neapolitan Song—Signor Lablache


The Morning Post (May 31, 1831): 1.

SIGNOR and MADAME PUZZI have the honour to acquaint the Nobility, Gentry, and their Friends, that their ANNUAL CONCERT will take place on MONDAY, the 20th of June, 1831 (by special permission), at the Residence of A. J. Gordon, Esq. 29, Hill-street, Berkeley-square, under the patronage of

His Royal Highness the Duke of GLOUCESTER.

Her Royal Highness the Duchess of GLOUCESTER.

Her Excellency the Countess Ludolf Her Excellency Mad. De Falck
The Duchess of CannizzaroDowager March of Salisbury
The Marchioness of ClanricardeThe Countess of Grey
The Countess VerulamThe Countess of Clonmell
The Countess of RoseberyThe Countess Cowper
The Viscountess HaheThe Viscountess Keith
Lady Caroline PowlettLady Francis Leveson Gower
Lady ShelleyLady Ouselcy
Lady PeytonLady Flint
Hon. Mrs. MusgraveMrs. Lawley
Mrs. ParntherMrs. Cox.

His Highness the PRINCE ESTERHAZY.

His Excellency the COUNT D’AGLIE.

Vocal Performers:—Madame Pasta, Madame Rubini, Madame Lalande, Madame Vigano, Mdlle. Masson, Madame Stockhausen, Madame Mesi, Mdlle. Cramer, and Madame Puzzi; Signor Rubini, Signor Curioni, Signor Torri, Signor Begrez, Signor Lablache, Signor Santini, Mr. Parry, jun., and Signor De Begnis. Pianoforte, M. Moscheles; Violin, Mr. Oury; Harp, Miss Bissett; Horn, Signor Puzzi.—Tickets, one guinea each, are ready for delivery at Signor Puzzi’s, 19, Piccadilly, near Regent-street. The Concert will commence at Half-past Nine o’Clock.

The Morning Post (June 8, 1831): 3.

Signor and Madame PUZZI’S Concert, which takes place at Mr. GORDON’S magnificent mansion in Hill-street, on the 20th instant, is honoured with illustrious patronage, and most of the principal performers in the metropolis lend their aid. PASTA will since a new grand Scena, composed expressly for her by NICOLINI, with harp and horn obligato. A new Quartetto for four sopranos, Misses MASSON, CRAMER, MEESI, and Madame PUZZI; also a manuscript Aria, by Mr. PARRY, jun., with corno and harp accompaniment, wil be among the novelties. MOSCHELES will display his talents on the pianoforte, and OURY on the violin, in addition to Madame LALANDE, STOCKHAUSEN, RUBINI, LABLACHE, DE BEGNIS, &c. 

The Morning Post (June 16, 1831): 3.

Signor and Madame PUZZI’S Concert, at Lady SHELLEY’s residence, in Belgrave-square, on Monday evening next, will be one of the greatest musical treats of the season, for most of the eminent talent now in London will be brought forward on the occasion.

The Morning Post (June 17, 1831): 3.

Signor and Madame PUZZI’S Concert on the 20th instant, under the most distinguished patronage, at the residence of Lady SHELLEY, Belgrave-square, will, we have no doubt, be the greatest assemblage of musical talent now in the metropolis.

The Morning Post (June 18, 1831): 3.

Signor and Madame PUZZI intend to introduce at their Concert on Monday evening next, which takes place at Lady SHELLEY’S residence in Belgrave-square, most of the favourite Vocal Pieces sung at the Concert given by their MAJESTIES last night, in addition to a variety of new Instrumental Compositions prepared for the occasion.

The Morning Post (June 20, 1831): 3.

MUSICAL.—Her Royal Highness the Duchess of GLOUCESTER has signified her intention of Attending Signor and Madame PUZZI’S Concert this evening, at Lady SHELLEY’S in Belgrave-square, in addition to a long list of distinguished personages who patronize it. MOSCHELES has composed a new Concertanti for the horn, harp, and pianoforte, to be performed by PUZZI, Miss BISSET, and the composer. OURY intends to give an aria, à la PAGANINI, on one string! DONIZETTI’S beautiful Terzetto, which was so greatly admired at the QUEEN’S Concert on Friday, will be sung by PASTA, RUBINI, and LABLACHE; the latter will give his comic Neapolitan national song. PARRY, jun., will sing a MS. ballad, with harp and horn obligate. Mesdames VIGANO, MESSI, CRAMER, LALANDE, STOCKHAUSEN, MASSEN, PUZZI, RUBINI, SANTINI, TERRI, BEGREZ, CURIONI, and DE BEGNIS will also sing a variety of compositions, so as to render the Concert worthy of the high patronage with which it is honoured.


The Courier (June 21, 1831): 3.


This concert took place last night in the spacious and elegant mansion of Lady Shelley, in Belgraves-quare [sic], under the patron-age of the Duchess of Gloucester, and was attended by a very numerous and fashionable audience. Puzzi displayed his unrivalled talent in a horn obligato to an air of Pacini, sung [sic] by Madame Puzzi, and also in a concertante for piano, harp, and horn. In the second act he accompanied Mr. Parry, in a pleasing new English ballad, “Yes, these are the meadows,” composed by Parry. Madame Puzzi sang with her usual skill in several pieces, but we have not room for particulars. Pasta sang a grand scena, composed expressly for her by Nicolini, entitled “Malek Adel al Carmelo.” It is a most spirited composition, and Pasta in its execution was, we may almost say, more brilliant than we have ever before heard her. We had, moreover, the strong aid of those two admirable buffo singers, De Begnis and Lablache. The former, whoso whim and spirits are unfailing, delighted the audience by his drollery in “D’un bell uso,” and the other pieces in which he took part; while Lablache repeated the Neapolitan song as sang before the Queen at St. James’s. It is a curious production, and excited much merriment: the singer, on its being encored, substituted a new version, equally comic and effective. Ourys’s solo on one string was clever in some parts, but terribly deficient in others. He had better study to be a first-rate Oury than a second-hand Paganini; an unexceptionable player on four strings than an indifferent exhibitor on one. Moscheles conducted throughout.

The Morning Post (June 21, 1831): 3.


This concert took place last night in the spacious and elegant mansion of Lady SHELLEY, in Belgrave-square, under the patron-age of the Duchess of GLOUCESTER, and was attended by a very numerous and fashionable audience. PUZZI displayed his unrivalled talent in a Horn Obligate to an air of PACINI, sung [sic] by Madame PUZZI, and also in a Concertante for piano, harp, and horn. In the second act he accompanied Mr. PARRY, in a pleasing new English ballad, “Yes, these are the meadows,” composed by PARRY. Madame PUZZI sung with her usual skill in several pieces, but we have not room for particulars. PASTA sang a grand scena, composed expressly for her by NICOLINI, entitled Malek Adel al Carmelo. It is a most spirited composition, and PASTA in its execution was, we may almost say, more brilliant than we have ever before heard her. We had, moreover, the strong aid of those two admirable buffo singers, DE BEGNIS and LABLACHE. The former, whoso whim and spirits are unfailing, delighted the audience by his drollery in D’un bell uso, and the other pieces in which he took part; while LABLACHE repeated the Neapolitan song as sang before the QUEEN at St. James’s. It is a curious production, and excited much merriment: the singer, on its being encored, substituted a new version, equally comic and effective. OURY’S solo on one string was clever in some parts, but terribly deficient in others. He had better study to be a first-rate OURY than a second-hand PAGANINI; an unexceptionable player on four strings than an indifferent exhibitor on one. MOSCHELES conducted throughout.